The Boat Race 2012: Adaptive Race: The Adaptive Four, racing the Start Four. Cox Lily van den Broecke, bow Pamela Relph, two Naomi Riches, three David Smith, and stroke James Roe. Next to them the boat with the race umpire and BBC camera crew..

on 07 April 2012 at 12:47, image #62

Photo 1204071247551D47358HaraldJoergens
The Boat Race 2012: Adaptive Race: The Adaptive Four, racing the Start Four. Cox Lily van den Broecke, bow Pamela Relph, two Naomi Riches, three David Smith, and stroke James Roe. Next to them the boat with the race umpire and BBC camera crew.. on 07 April 2012 at 12:47, image #62

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